After surmounting a series of unexpected challenges and setbacks, traversing through 20+ international exhibitions, meticulously sourcing and rigorously testing over 100 materials, and investing years of relentless dedication into our project, we stood on the brink of launching our online store in late 2019, eager to unveil the fruit of our labor to the world. But then, the world came to a sudden halt. The weight of soaring overhead costs threatened to crush our dreams. However, with the unwavering spirit of entrepreneurs, we knew we had to pivot and find a solution. Amidst months of grappling with the depths of disappointment, one cold night at our headquarters, a spark of inspiration ignited. That was the genesis of Woven Show—a fusion of bespoke custom rug art with the creative genius of A-list artists. It was during this time that we embarked on an audacious journey to curate an extraordinary showcase, featuring over 45 exceptional artists from across the United States.